Marketing executive spent three weeks in a coma and lost a leg after …

Marketing executive spent three weeks in a coma and lost a leg after
A marketing executive had to have her leg amputated above the knee after crashing her Mini Cooper into a tree while sleepwalking. Kelly Jackson, 26, spent three weeks in a coma following the horror crash less than half a mile from her home in Billesley …
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Listen to the new Marketing Mind podcast – episode one: AI
The first episode looks at artificial intelligence, featuring audio from an interview between Charlotte McEleny, Marketing's digital editor, and Bina48, a humanoid robot apparently capable of lucid, emotional conversation. Special guest Steve Parker …
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9 Ways The New Muppets Marketing Campaign Made Us Totally Forget That They're
Sure, their relationship has always seemed a bit, um, volatile. But they were so established! And so sweet, when Miss Piggy wasn't karate chopping everything. Now they've split for good. And what's this rumor about Denise from the marketing department?